We Will Not Keep Silent

Think you know Hamlet? Think you know theatre? Think you know Shakespeare?

Think again.

That’s the best way to put what we’re doing with this show.

Crafted to be an exciting and expectation-breaking experience for aficionados and newcomers alike, I May Have Seen the Devil is Shakespeare’s Hamlet with that provocative twist that Seattle does so well. Refocused to cast the lead role as a woman, with a lesbian love story, a chorus of insane patients, an asylum setting, a gun, a brutal boxing match, original score and sound design by a local heavy metal musician, and a cast of nine playing seventeen parts, it’s a play about the rights and respect women still don’t have. It’s about the abuses the LGBT community still suffers. It’s about the ignorance and fear and darkness that rule the hearts and minds of powerful men and threaten to warp those people that brave enough to challenge the world.

This is Hamlet. This is theatre. This is Shakespeare.

This is a story. Ours. And yours. And the world’s.

This is a story that must be heard.

And we will not keep silent.

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